The Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority of Azores– ERSARA, recently published its annual report on the quality of the water and waste services in the Azores, with reference to 2020.
(Report available in Portuguese)
The results obtained on the key performance indicators developed by ERSARA indicate a positive evaluation on the quality of the services provided by the regulated operators of the water and waste sector, that provided data. The results for each activity were the following:
- Water supply: 43% positive and average evaluations, 22% negative and 35% without results for lack of data;
- Wastewater drainage and treatment: 27% positive and average evaluations, 15% negative and 58% without results for lack of data;
- Waste management (collection): 45% positive and average evaluations, 30% negative and 24% without results for lack of data;
- Waste management (treatment): 72% positive and average evaluations and 28% de negative
In the scope of its powers, ERSARA is responsible for the regulation of the quality of the services provided by the operators of the water and waste services in the Azores, through the collection of information that allows to assess their performance and benchmarking.