ARERA presents technical quality macro indicators in Italy

On June 15th ARERA (Italy) has presented the results of the water and wastewater services technical quality indicators for the years 2018-2019.

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On June 15th ARERA (Italy) has presented the results of the water and wastewater services technical quality indicators for the years 2018-2019.

Since 2017 ARERA has defined performance goals for the Italian water utilities based on 6 Macro Indicators. Technical quality indicators aim to push water utilities’ efforts towards investments and management activities necessary to improve the water services, mitigate climate change effects, and improve the security and stability of the water services in Italy.

Macro Indicators M1, M2 and M3 are part of the drinking water services category. Macro indicator M4 is part of the sewage systems category, while M5 and M6 Macro indicators are part of the purification systems category.

Using as starting years the performances of water operators in the period 2016-2017, ARERA has created two classes, A and non-A class, dividing operators among the top performers and those in need of improvement. For each class have been set different goals. Maintenance goals for the water utilities in class A, and improvement goals for non-A utilities.

Utilities Evaluation Classes Table. 

In this table are reported the 2 classes ARERA has divided in the Italian water utilities: A class and non A class. 
The Utilities, divided into the 2 classes are than evaluated according to 3 different levels: basic, advanced and excellent.

As shown in the table, water utilities received awards and penalties based on the evaluation ranks: basic, advanced and excellent.

ARERA has also released an interactive map that allows you to navigate across Italy and discover performances by indicators of the Italian water utilities.

You can access the whole set of infographics related to water and wastewater services technical quality indicators and the ranking of Italian water utilities here